Catching a fish doesn’t get any better than it did for this Florida couple from Cape Coral.

Bill and Debbie Lussier had no way of knowing what was in store for them when they booked a fishing trip with captain Nick Stanczyk, but it’s a trip they’ll never forget.

It’d be impossible for anyone to forget a battle with a monster swordfish that was pushing 800-pounds. Especially when that fish made you work for every single pound while reeling it in.

Once Stanczyk was certain they had a bite, he let the Lussier’s know. Eight hours later they had the fish in the boat.

“She was big, real big,” Stanczyk said. “We broke out the block and tackle to get the giant in the boat. I ran to the tower and tied the pulley up as high as it would go. It took the three of us to pull her over the side of the Freeman.”

While they had to reschedule their initial booking because of bad weather, we’re guessing they aren’t too bummed about it.

When everything was said and done she came in at 757.8 pounds

“It was the best fish I’ve ever eaten,” he said. “I don’t know if it was the boost of mercury, the sweet taste of victory, or what, but it was good, damn good.”

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