Check Out The Biggest Backyard Rope Swing In The World


What could be better than a backyard rope swing? If you answered with the biggest backyard rope swing in the world then we could definitely be best friends.

The Funk Bros decided to make all of our dreams come true and make the biggest backyard rope swing in the world. This isn’t their first rodeo, either. They’ve made tons of giant backyard entertainment contraptions before, so we were excited to see what they came up with.

Creating the swing itself wasn’t anything crazy. They used three 40-foot telephone polls and a giant stack of scaffolding to launch from.

They dug holes in the ground for the telephone polls and basically made a wooden crane. This helped them changed the height of the swing whenever they wanted, giving them a max height of around 60 feet.

We had instant FOMO once they start swinging and flipping into the water But with any extreme good time comes some risk of catastrophe.

One unfortunate go around on the rope swing ended up snapping the rope in mid-air. It’s lucky that the rope didn’t snap over dry land and waited until the guy on it was over the water.

We’ll take near catastrophe any day over what could have happened. But don’t think for a second that makes us want to build one of these bad boys any less!

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