Longest Snake In The World Swallows A Deer Whole


This reticulated python isn’t just the longest snake in the world, it might be the hungriest!

After not having eaten for an estimated 12 months, we catch up with this python as it’s on the prowl for some much needed munchies. We know what we’re like after not having food for a few hours, so we can only imagine this snake was beyond irritated.

Fortunately for the snake, it managed to track down some deer that must’ve looked like an all you can eat buffet. Unfortunately for one of the smaller deer, it wouldn’t be making it out alive.

The fate of the deer is all but sealed once the reticulated python gets into a good position within striking distance. While the snake is massive and starving, it’s surprisingly fast and quickly wraps the deer up after striking.

With its powerful coils, the snake tightens its grip on the deer, suffocating it in mere moments. As the deer takes its last breath, the python begins to swallow it whole, starting with the head. Its metabolism already starts kicking into overdrive, preparing to completely break down the deer within a week.

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