WATCH How The US Navy Keeps Sharks Away From Boats


US armed forces have to regularly deal with stressful situations during their duty. That’s why it’s important for them to be able to relax when it’s time to take a break and have some fun.

This fun typically involves a swim call – when soldiers are able to occasionally take a break and jump in the water for a swim.

While they’re able to take it easy and have necessary downtime in the water, a large amount of people in the middle of the ocean is bound to attract unwanted attention in the form of sharks.

Luckily, they have measures in place to help ensure the safety of the crew in the water. But there shark attack prevention system is a little more straightforward if you’re expecting a high-tech deterrent system.

That’s right. They shoot at the sharks if they get too close.

While part of the crew is able to hop in the ocean and enjoy a refreshing swim, there are other crew members keeping watch.

When a shark gets too close – they shoot.


It’s that simple – but the crew in the water better be certain the lookouts have steady aim.

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