Any fish that can kill people immediately gains our fear and respect. Fishing is too beautiful of a thing to be taken out by what you’re trying to catch – but there are worse ways to go.
We knew most of the fish in this video – except that tiny boxed armor fish that spits poison all around its body – but it’s a good reminder that a seemingly “safe” fish can mess your day up.
The prime suspect of those fish being the needlefish. We’re convinced that anyone who’s scared that sharks can kill people need to take a look at these little guys. Not only are they inconspicuous but they’re relatively small; they can’t be too harmful, right?
Needlefish aren’t to be taken lightly if you ever encounter any flying through the air. Like the video goes on to show in sometimes graphic detail, these have been known to severely injure and even kill people.
Now the nightmare fuel comes in the form of a supposed crocodile killer. We aren’t sure if the monstrous Goliath Tigerish actually kills grown crocodiles, but they can for sure cause some damage to them. It’s a lot harder to be an apex predator when you’re missing a limb.
After watching this, we think we’re good living in somewhat mild fear of sharks (thanks Jaws) and pretending some of these other fish either don’t exist or can’t leap out of the water at almost 40mph and impair us.